Originally Posted by ClearAirTurbulence
Got a technical question.

There's several versions of this video on the internet but the one in the OP show the first shots fired through the windshield while the perp's vehicle is traveling beside a moving U-Haul truck going in the same direction. It's not parked. It's rolling right next to the perp's vehicle while the officer is shooting. Look at the parked vehicles on the left of the screen to see how its traveling.

Right at the beginning of this clip and then again at about 27 seconds. Five rounds. Then the U-Haul driver stands on the brakes.

I'm guessing that none of those five rounds went winging off to the right and penetrated the U-Haul or the driver otherwise we'd have heard about it.

But you guys who practice shooting through windshields - do your duty rounds reliably go pretty straight that way?

Generally yes. There is deviation due to angle of the glass, but not by feet at closer ranges with well designed projectiles.