Originally Posted by Big Stick
I'm no fun,to try and keep pace with and your WELL founded Insecurities are fhuqking hilarious.

Be SURE to "correct" me,when you find me "mistaken" and I'll simply relish in rubbing your whining nose,further in your Dumbfhuqktitude.



I think a pile of actual dead animals speaks for itself and proves you’re mistaken, like the pile of bs you continually post is easily seen as an attempt to deflect the obvious.

Keep tryin, despite your lack of ability I do believe you have a grasp on ballistics so not all your drivel is useless. I guess you can at least take that as a compliment. Too bad you don’t have the skills to back up your ballistics, maybe post some pics of some fish or how about some pretty mountains, that’ll prove your manhood.