Originally Posted by MILES58
K22 you are full of [bleep].

The very young, the very old, the immune compromised are all much less effectively vaccinated and you have a lot of damn gall preaching a philosophy that it's OK to not vaccinate based on choice or claiming you understand vaccination.

Emotional Drama. crazy

It is so unfortunate that this country has gone so far into Democracy that individualism is no longer thought of as good. Group think, mob rule, also known as Democracy has taken over the Republic. Logic is no longer tolerated while emotional thinking is the new norm.
I guess it is just to hard to see the forest with all those damn tree's in the way.
Freedom, self governed, naw, that is now kicked to the curb as the majority now rules.
And we wonder what happened to the country. Propaganda now rules in this country and has for many years now.

"Trust me, I work for the Government. I'm here to help you." crazy Oh, and the shots are free.....................Next.