Originally Posted by VarmintGuy
In light of the three mass shootings of the last few days and their tragic outcomes I am fearing a "perfect storm" of circumstances where the Second Amendment will come under attack like never before!
And seeings the Second Amendment has been under never ending onslaught for the last 50+ years that I have seen - that is saying something!
Your thoughts?
Sad day - I think this perfect storm of "circumstances" happening now and leading up to the 2,020 elections forbodes danger for us pro-Second Amendment citizens.
N.R.A. in disarray, three mass shootings in less than a week, mass media all dead set against Second Amendment Rights, 20 out of 20 demonrat Presidential candidates all devout anti-Second Amendment advocates - not much swingin my way it seems.
Hoping for the best.
Hold into the wind

And this don't even take in Chicago!