Callnum: As a proven idiot maybe you will have trouble understanding this headline paragraph from the nations largest newspaper, TODAY:

"WASHINGTON — Congressional Republicans, under intense pressure to respond to this weekend’s massacres, are coalescing around legislation to help law enforcement take guns from those who pose an imminent danger — a measure that, if signed into law, would be the most significant gun control legislation enacted in 20 years".

Or perhaps in keeping with your proven idiocy you refuse to understand or comprehend this?
Go ahead live your life with your head up YOUR ass - it makes no nevermind to me.
But if you think you are doing yourself any favors by publicly proving yourself to be an idiot then I sincerely feel sorry for you.
Please remove your head from your ass and take in some relaity.
The Second Amendment is under siege like never before!or don't - just live in your ignorance is bliss state of stupification.
Hold into the wind