Callinum: Just as I expected you are proven foolish and wrong and you go hide!
Typical coward!
Please answer the question(s) I posed to you in my last post - or go hide like a cowardly punk (of which I am certain YOU have had much practice.
Perhaps you are not paying attention to the myriad of "plans" to further erode our Second Amendment Rights that have been proposed and recommended by our politicians (including our President!) in the last two days?
That, is what I am posting about!
And I have been proven correct in my fear and predictions.
You refer to this as "tin hat" something - again you are proving yourself and your contention IDIOTIC.
Perhaps you should keep your head firmly ensconced up your ass where it has obviously been of recent!
You are doing no one any good - especially yourself.
We proponents of the Second Amendment have serious concerns - if you are not concerned then again you are an idiot!
Suffer in silence you idiot - that is the best advice I can give you.
Hold into the wind