Originally Posted by shootbrownelk
Originally Posted by RickyD
Originally Posted by Crow hunter
Heroin comes from plants too.

No it doesn't. Opium does. Opium, from poppy seeds, contains several opioid compounds, including morphine and codeine. Morphine is extracted from opium using diluted acid. Reacting morphine with other acids creates heroin. Essentially, heroin is morphine with a small chemical compound added to it.

So what you're saying is that Heroin does indeed come from plants, just with a few added steps in it's manufacture/processing.

Heroin is diacetylmorphine , it is morphine from plants condensed with acetic anhydride too form a "protective bridge". The bridge slows the main detox route, and also makes the molecule less polar allowing it to cross the blood brain barrier, thus the euphoria. Basically the same idea as the difference between mescaline and methamphetamine.

Most people don't have what it takes to get old