Originally Posted by rainshot
Let me know when you find a pot smoker that has a car without any dents in it from running into things. You will see auto accidents go up exponentially. I'm not saying they'll be fatal but you'll see a lot more. There just isn't any need for pot to be legalized for recreational use. You just think we have a lot coming across the border now, wait till you legalize it.

Where do you get this stuff from? Do you make it up as you go along?
1. Just because weed would be legal, doesn't mean that you can drive a car while under the influence. Just like alcohol is legal but you can't drive drunk. Breaking the law is breaking the law. Do you think that people don't drive now because it's illegal? I can see the thought process "I'll smoke some illegal weed but I won't drive after because it's illegal".
2. If it's legalized, it won't have to be brought over the border and sold on street corners. It'll be grown on weed farms and sold at the local tobacco shop or liquor store. If it's legalized, there goes the profit motive for the cartels.