Originally Posted by Etoh
Originally Posted by Crow hunter
Originally Posted by UPhiker
Originally Posted by Crow hunter
Heroin comes from plants too.

So does alcohol, cotton, orange juice, paper and firewood. Your point?

See the post above mine that I was responding to, it inferred that pot was harmless because it comes from a plant. My point is that just because something comes from a plant doesn’t mean that it’s harmless. Ricin comes from a plant also, does that mean it’s harmless?

yes thats true and its the same argument used against guns. Guns kill people. No guns are inanimate so are plants, people kill people, people use plants etc.

You seem to be reading something into my statement that isn't there. I'm not arguing against the legalization of pot, in fact the libertarian in me says it's not the government's business what someone wants to put in their body. I definitely think pot has medical uses, when my mother way dying of cancer I had several doctors tell me pot would help her symptoms, she never tried it though.

I don't buy the argument that it's harmless because it comes from a plant, nor do I think that something should be outlawed just because it can be harmful.