Originally Posted by Rock Chuck
Like everything else, there's a big difference in quality in mobiles. It's like comparing a Yugo to a Toyota. You have to do your homework. Some are built much better than others. The hard part is finding out what's under the skin.

Years ago, we looked at one set up on a dealer's lot. It was actually funny how crappy it was. For example, the kitchen had formica countertops. The stuff had either shrunk or was cut too small because there were 1/8 to 1/4" gaps between the pieces. It make it worse, they'd filled the gaps with PINK silicone, on top of a BLUE countertop. The paneling on the walls was stapled on and the staples were working their way out. I guessed that they'd missed the studs. This was on a brand new house. You can imagine what it looked like in 5 years.

I think a lot of garbage gets pumped out and called "stick built" as well.

I am MAGA.