Originally Posted by 257heaven
Originally Posted by FOsteology
What's the consensuses on the 6.5 Creed? 21" or 18 barrel?

Do like I did....and get both. But if you want to shoot suppressed, get the 18". If not, definitely the 21". My long rifle is actually the 22" threaded barrel version that has the #2 contour barrel. It's not much heavier than the 21" model with the #1 barrel.

I think the same as 257... If I was planning on dedicated suppressed for hunting I'd go with the 18'. I've had the 21" and loved it. Picked up the 22" threaded and love it more...so much so that I picked up a second...but that's personal preference on balance and I'm not hunting with it suppressed. Prone or rested it's a toss up on the 21" or 22"....for me, when shooting offhand, I'm steadier with the 22" and don't notice the 1" difference or few extra ounces when carrying it.

The FC's are just so good. The 22" #2 is my nirvana...I've had a lot of guns put together with a focus on what I like and I can't find anything I prefer to it.