I kind of like Bristoe's Balkinization idea... have always thought the Midwest would end up the haven of conservatives and the coasts reseved for the crazies!!! It would certainly stifle trade for the good guys though.

Better yet, divide the country north and south, north belonging to the conservatives, maintaining a border with Canada, and also including Alaska. Let the ding- dongs have the southern half and enjoy their open border with Mexico south. They can have Hawaii too for all I care. The cooler nothern climate would help keep the lazies out and the warmer south would be suitable for those less incilned to work! I think this could work if it comes to that.

I live kind of near what would be the dividing line so going north would not be that hard for me. Not sure how our southern members would feel about this though.

Would rather see it occur without major conflict or war however. Much about the Civil War was very distasteful to say the least based on my reading. Probably asking too much if it comes to that!