There is a lot of good advice here. I took notes. I was in the LL Bean store in Paramus, NJ today and happened to look at the boots on display.

A saleswoman came over to me and started to tell me about their pac boot - leather upper, rubber bottom, wool felt liner. I have used this type of boot in the past (Sorels) and am familiar with them. I have worn them hunting and when operating excavating equipment in winter. My feet would sweat, and they got cold when my socks and the boot liners got wet with sweat.

The saleswoman told me that they are almost too warm for "around here". I mentioned that they were warm until your sweat wicked into the liner. She countered with "you need to wear wool socks, they wick the moisture". I said no, when the boot liner is wet with sweat you are cold. She didn't like that, so I walked away.

I wonder what her cold weather outdoor experience might be.

NRA Endowment Life Member, G.O.A supporter