Originally Posted by Quak
You guys have it all wrong. I hunt from a blind every year in temps as low as -20f...and ive seen colder.

The trick is a heater! I get the inside of my blind to about 60f and am comfortable in standard leather work boots, blue jeans and a flannel shirt.

My problem is i get sick every year at camp...i think its the poor eating, lack of sleep and binge drinking. Stress of dealing with family is also a problem for me to be honest

Quack, it takes 3 days of a relaxed setting just to chill out so you can enjoy the time left ahead. Sleep time, eating, and drinking are up to you. I say this having walked the walk. 1) Let the family get over it. If you're a man responsible to your family then none should question your desire for personal time with friends. 2) EAT. And carry quality food and drink with you for the day's needs. 3) Embibe in a healthy manner. Drinking adult beverages with friends is part of the loosening up that leads to reduced stress. And it's a known fact Scotch is good for the Soul. When you reach your limit admit it and go to bed. You're a man. Men can control the amount of liquor consumed AND, as part & parcel, the resulting dream time. All this is up to you.

Saw a sign once that said "Advice.......Free". "Good advise...... $20!" Hope this is at least somewhere in between. God bless and have fun.

“When Tyranny becomes Law, Rebellion becomes Duty”

Colossians 3:17 (New King James Version)
"And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."