Originally Posted by lvmiker

Hint, get a Nordic Track treadmill and a few kettlebells and become a monster.grin

mike r

And/Or get a couple of 4x4 posts and a piece of pipe from Home Depot and build yourself a pull up bar setup out in the yard somewhere. Then get some "resistance bands" aka giant rubber bands from Amazon. I gotta do the latter because I have allowed myself to become too out of shape at this point to do a pull up and need the giant rubber bands to help me out. I quit working out about 7 years ago due to injury and am back on the ground floor.

I learned from my days of going to the gym that guys with big guts can lay on their backs and bench press a lot of weight.....but can't do a pull up.....and guys who can do a few pull ups don't have fat guts.

CAUTION! In the unlikely event that anyone tries this.....you need to work into it carefully or you will eff up your elbows with tendonitis. That is where the giant rubber bands come in again.

This is gonna be my strategery.

"Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants". --- William Penn