Originally Posted by battue
Originally Posted by gunner500
Yup, they can FO wanting that much info, same thing I told nice old hygienist lady at the dentist office the other day when she wanted to take my blood pressure, I have a doc for that, this is being too damn nosey and intrusive, plus, I don't need to hear the dentist whining at me about my smokeless tobacco later either, she smiled and put her cuff? up I never heard a word about my Cope after cleaning/check up this time.

A Dentists office is staffed by health care professionals. As such and the fact many are walking around with unrecognized BP issues, by asking they are doing nothing more than possibly giving someone advance warning of other possible serious health issues. In addition, if at sometime you need anesthesia, a responsible dentist will not put you under without it. If for nothing more than malpractice issues. In fact, while you are under, everyone in the room will know what it is on a second by second reading.

But hey, it's your BP. Put in a dip, sit back and feel secure you kept it from that the nice old hygienist lady.

The old folks boogie is a hooooot......

They just recently started that practice, lipstick that pig all you want, your advice works well for an 80 year old.

Trump Won!