Originally Posted by gunner500
Originally Posted by battue
Originally Posted by ol_mike
Went into an office supply place a while back picked up a ink cartridge went to counter with cash . You want to put that on your store card -NO- just pay cash , ok what's your email - gave her some extremely long BS email then a fake phone number . She finally figured out both were BS she said will you stop wasting my time - i said no you're wasting my time . She told me it was for my receipt if i wanted a receipt she needed the info. - i said if the cartridge doesn't work i'll bring it back- lay it on the counter get another and walk out the door . As the door closed behind me .

Woopee, another bad ass campfire member, you bought an ink cartridge and paid with cash. And you are full of [bleep]. You pay cash for an ink cartridge you don't have to write anything down. Real or fake. Buy a car or house and sometime in the process your bad ass will cough up info.....Over and out, you are now wasting mine.

Yes, there are plenty here, and most of our blood pressure is fine until we must endure another old liberal yankee trying to tell us exactly what we NEED and DONT need to be doing.

You are still in the game gunner. I just love the "old liberal yankee" line. Another example of how you are clueless and incapable of an original comeback.

Anyway, I wish you Oklahoma people would stop sucking off the government tit when it comes to health care. So few of you, around 4million, and you suck out 4.4Billion in health care alone. Maybe you all should join a gym....

"Human services is by far the largest grant category both nationwide and in Oklahoma, at $4.4 billion. These grants are designed to ensure that Americans have access to health and nutrition needs and a large range of services meeting special needs of parts of the population. Most of these grants go to state agencies, which then distribute funding to eligible Oklahomans or to those who provide service to them. The Medicaid health program for low-income populations is the largest grant ($3.1 billion). This program is administered by the Oklahoma Health Care Authority. Most of the money goes to doctors, hospitals, nursing homes, and other health care providers. The other large human services grants are:"

How about farm subsidies?????

Last edited by battue; 02/14/20.

laissez les bons temps rouler