Truly Schit,

There is NO need to reiterate your fhuqking STUPIDITY,as it is beyond "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

Joe Average sure in the fhuqk,is not anywhere near "bright",as you eloquently attest,on accident. Hint. LAUGHING!

Do tell about "your" 280 Remington chambered rifle and the ammo you buy for it,which swoons you in sucha manner. Do tell about the mounting system and glass,if only to go FULL Retard. Hint. LAUGHING!

I don't shoot "much" in the .284" bore size,especially in S/A. Hint.


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Or in L/A either. Hint. LAUGHING!

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Pardon a "Rite In The Rain" whipping your ass in such GLORIOUS fashion,but they've loonngggggg been a Skookum means of collecting DOPE,so it can be affixed the rifle proper. I'll feign my GREAT "surprise",that something so simplistic,TOTALLY stumps you. Now do tell,how you use the "magic" Reupold B&C Reticle,in conjunction with your "heralded" 280 Remington,for even more fhuqking HILARITY. Hint. LAUGHING!

If only in fairness,Reupold has never made a LRF worth a fhuqk and still don't. I enjoy how amazingly fhuqking STUPID you are,so do "tell" me "more". hint. LAUGHING!

Bless your heart for Lying,Crying and Whining,you MAGNIFICENTLY Whining Clueless Fhuqk.

As an aside,the weather remains tough. Nice 50/50 rain/snow mix and gusts past 50mph+,to keep the dust down.

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Pardon laminated RITR paper being affixed to the stock,with 2000yd DOPE,as I know how that very deeply troubles your Retardation,you AMAZINGLY Stupid Fhuqk.


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massage 2 or 3,

I get it,tha you are a Brokedick Whining Bitch,but don't be so hard on "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

I'll feign my GREAT "surprise",that even someone as fhuqking STUPID as you,KNOWS better than to try and muse ANY rifle "particulars". Fortunately for you,Imagination and Pretend are free,so you can "afford" to "contribute",you Window Licking CLUELESS Fhuqk. Hint. LAUGHING!

Bless your heart for lying,Crying and Trying.



Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."