I don't own a single piece of Kuiu, Sitka or First Lite gear but do have some cheaper Cabelas synthetics that I sometimes wear in Alaska or wherever else when its really wet and rainy. I almost always hunt in wranglers, though when in snow I often throw a pair of gators on, even on snowy chukar hunts when I am out all day long. It never really bothers me.

I must say though, I dearly love my Filson wool for late season hunts where the snow is 2 feet deep, but for most hunting here in the intermountain west I do it with wranglers on. Same with a barbary hunt last month in New Mexico. I guess I just haven't drank the synthetic koolaid. I've got several Kuiu warrior friends that swear by the stuff, and they straight up put the critters down, but I haven't seen the need.