The immediate concern is an out of control virus. Wife is on oral chemo at 47 and I had some previous lung issues. We still have kids at home. We need to be around for a while longer. I'm thinking 90 days - July 1 and this thing will be under control. There will still be social distancing and masks being worn everywhere much like just about every Asian in every airport you've seen since H1N1 hit. We have the smartest people in the world working around the clock to get a handle on this thing. I think you'll see treatment therapies in 60 days or less and a vaccine by time the leaves start turning.

The economy is solid in the short term. There's a lag before it actually hits the fan. America has been here before. We WILL bounce back. The market peaked on 12FEB. Bear markets usually last 206 days. However, we have DJT driving the ship now. NO other President has been so uniquely prepared to handle this sort of economic crisis. I think you'll see critical manufacturing return to our shores. I believe there will be a swing from Globalism to Nationalism. I believe this will carry him through the election. Churchill wasn't the smoothest PM the UK ever had, but he wasn't a pussy like his predecessor. The parallels here are strong. I've said it before, I think this will be DJT's finest moment. He ain't no pussy either.

"A Republic, if you can keep it." ~ B. Franklin