My concern with the virus has dropped. I believe that we will have about 60,000 deaths this year to the Covid 19 pandemic. This is from my earlier estimate of more than 250,000. I believe that Trump will cut through red tape and get chit done. I believe that after NY and the various chit hole cities have it it will decline. I have noticed a great change in people's behavior in the last week. People are getting serious and I think that we will soon have herd immunity with enough ventilators to help nearly everybody. I believe that the economy will bounce back quickly. Trump needs to make sure that people understand that our nation's fundamentals are strong and that we have a global energy glut that we need to capitalize on. We need to use some of this money falling from the sky to build new manufacturing facilities and the government needs to re-train those in sectors that are falling apart.

Trump needs to come out with ( We won't tolerate CCP crap anymore). We are going to form a trade alliance with nations screwed over by CCP and we are going to get better. He can tighten monetary policy later on but he needs to smile to the public and say Xi needs to be gone, WHO needs to be restructured and he is going on a victory tour.

Last edited by kaboku68; 04/02/20.