The economy, by an order of magnitude.

Consequences of Economic Self-Sabotage and Poor Leadership
1. Economic Destruction
2. Anarcho-Tyranny
3. Profound Social Unrest

1. Wife's profession placing her and the family at greatly elevated risk of exposure.
2. Parents all aged and with some issue that would put them under if they got a nasty upper respiratory infection.

Economic Destruction
Thing is, "the economy" is not just retirement accounts and slimy hedge fund managers. The scum in the financial sector will be made whole. That is what the stimulus package was all about: prioritizing Wall Street over Main Street. That is what tthe Federal Reserve and Treasure Dept take as their #1 mission.

"The Economy" is real men & women working, producing things, and making things happen in our world. People who work real jobs rely on exchanging their productivity for pay. Our ruling class has just decided to torpedo that and expects all the real people who work to do the damage control while they and their financial sector buddies on the sun deck sip fancy cocktails and bang waitresses in their cabins. Hanging's too good for them.

When "the economy" tanks, decent, productive people take it in the face. The ruling class, their financial sector paymasters, and the worthless sponges will hardly feel a bump. Real people, MY people will suffer. And more of them will die in the ensuing recession/depression that will die directly(1) from the Kung Flu. Many more will suffer needlessly because our ruling class is filled with corrupt fools from front to back.

"...a definition of the system of government I have called "anarcho-tyranny": a combination of anarchy (in which legitimate government functions—like spying on the bad guys or punishing real criminals—are not performed) and tyranny (in which government performs illegitimate functions—like spying on the good guys or criminalizing innocent conduct like gun ownership and political dissent)."
----Sam Francis

We yipyap on this site about staying in and avoiding contact due to unconstitutional orders by governors & others. Other gov't pooh-bahs are enacting even more tyrannical rules. Some of the ruling class's enforcement goons (LEOs) are even enforcing them...against MY sort of people. Meanwhile, the swarthy sorts go about having block parties, hanging out in the street in close proximity, etc. They are generally less hygenic than my sorts and are better disease vectors. Yet, LEOs are not stopping it.

And if we think gov't will give up its "emergency" powers, you are mistaken.

Profound Social Unrest
Our ruling class is not capable of dealing with existential threats anymore. And they are not smart enough or moral enough to discern between an existential threat to our society or nation and an existential threat to the ruling class. The combination of ruling class incapability, incompetence, and immorality are an almost sure recipe for social unrest.

Our ruling class (and now Trump, too) have screwed this pooch so hard that they have nearly set up the conditions for a civilizational upheaval.
1. Media hyped Kung Flu to meme it into a weapon against Trump, despite it being of similar threat manitude to SARS, MERS, or Swine flu.
2. Trump political enemies piled on
3. Attention and fund-seeking medical/political types like the liar Fauci turn up the heat.
4. Trump bends to the will of his weak-spined advisers and now owns the economic torpedoing.

Trump has placed his bet and now owns the Kung Flu issue and its later fallout. He is doing well in the moment, but I recall GHWB with 90%+ approval ratings during Gulf War I and then losing to a slick weasel from Arkansas.

Thing is, severe economic pain makes a lot of people who have nothing to lose, many of who are generally capable and employable (unlike welfare sponges). They now are hurting and have time on their hands and are looking for someone to blame. They may blame Trump. They may blame the ruling class. The amplitude and direction of the unrest is not knowable. Folks on the left think the disaffected will drift to the fringe left. Folks on the right think the disaffected will drift to the fringe right. I suspect that our ruling class will not have what it takes to keep the USA together.

(1) The folks who die despite having no co-morbidity.


“The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence.”
----Fred Rogers