I don't care how bad it gets, should never have shut down the economy.

All this social distancing, mask wearing, avoiding crowds, ad nauseum can be done without .guv mandates. The governors, including Buttlock(as my 15 yr old son calls him), the moron we call a gov. here in MT., should be held accountable for the economic destruction they've reaped in the coming months, years, (decade?) ahead.

What are the unemployment claims going to be next week? We're already over 10 million in just two weeks.

The husband of the lady my wife works with is a radiologist in the local hospital system. He basically hasn't worked since the shut down and his office was running 9.0 before the shutdown. He has serious concerns about the back log that is accumulating and how that will put back needed care months down the line for people that have serious health issues or are on the cusp of early cancer diagnosis. And that is just one aspect of the health system.

How many premature deaths are going to occur as a knock on effect caused by shutting everything down? When NATO was bombing the crap out of the Serbs back in the 90's something like 14 civilians were killed for every one Serb soldier. Reminds me of the Janet Reno protocol, "in order to save the children we must kill them".

Like IRFUBAR mentioned, how many small businesses can survive this? We are still looking at weeks if not another month or two of shutdown and then a possible shut down in the fall when the "flu season" starts up again?

...and people are worried about toilet paper... friggin' A!

“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”
― G. Orwell

"Why can't men kill big game with the same cartridges women and kids use?"
_Eileen Clarke

"Unjust authority confers no obligation of obedience."
- Alexander Hamilton