Wife and two daughters work at the Hospital in critical care departments that weren't effected by shutting down elective surgeries.

My family is at extreme risk to catch this viral infection. I believe I already had it in January but thats just hopeful wishing without any proof until the antibody testing becomes widespread. If I don't get infected and die first.

Everyday we go thru a household decontamination procedure of wiping everything down that can be touched. Wife and hospital daughter who lives with us change outback and stuff clothes in outside laundry bag then immediately take showers.

We also pull childcare duty for our grandson three nights a week as other daughter, who works in Radiology and has daily contact with infected and potentially infected patients doesn't want her son going anywhere else when her husband has to work, another essential worker outside of healthcare thank goodness.

I was extremely skeptical in early February of the damage and severity this pathogen could wreak.

That skepticism was gone by late February after spending tens of hours reading pre-Covid19 research, articles and pandemic readiness commission reports from years past.

This for sure is a societal and cultural changing event.

Was this the best plan for attacking this viral problem? Doubtful but there never is a best plan when your behind the bus and its rolling backward with no brakes.

Hindsight sight will always be 20/20, Nature is always trying to kill us every minute of the day.

My "opinion" currently is that distance mitigation and shutdown did help avoid a potential partial societal melt down. It reduced the load on the healthcare infrastructure for ALL morbidities and illnesses needing to be dealt with and built a large slack in the system and time for the US to gain a foothold and momentum to deal with the problem.

Nothings perfect and I might be infected as I write this.

Oh well gotta go shopping now for my parents who have been locked away for the last four weeks.

"Maybe we're all happy."

"Go to the sporting goods store. From the files, obtain form 4473. These will contain descriptions of weapons and lists of private ownership."