Who is hurting from present economic circumstance? You?
i don't see any large numbers of jobless, or businesses with closed doors.

Originally Posted by irfubar

Ok gotcha, that was your original point. I must admit this stupedefies me.... small business owners are getting slaughtered.

[b]My small business is fine... so far, thanks to me being very conservative and being prepared, [/b]If this thing goes on to long we will all be toast, our life's work and savings gone.

I personally will forego a paycheck and pay my employees and stock pile what cash I can for the upcoming uncertainty.

Again small business have to provide our own safety net and we have no representation in Washington. We are always first to go under the bus.

If these bureaucrats destroy us on the phony models they have used America will cease to be .

Must admit I am astounded I have to spell this out


Your business is OK.
The small business folk I know are OK

Who is hurt?

"Chances Will Be Taken"