When Trump cited the 100,000-240,000 death estimate last week many independent doctors questioned how they arrived at those numbers. They felt then that it would be high but not that high. Based on what I'm reading Trumps Corona Virus task force used models showing 50% of the country in a lockdown to get to those numbers. The model predicted 1 million + with no intervention. But with over 90% of the country shut down they are now predicting numbers around 80,000 or maybe even less.

Those death estimates go up to Sept. 1st BTW. If I understand this the deaths should peak in the next week or so and start to decline. But we will still have issues all summer.

I don't like this any better than anyone, but the quickest way to get back to normal is to prevent it from spreading into other areas who so far have not been hit hard.

Last edited by JMR40; 04/08/20.

Most people don't really want the truth.

They just want constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth.