Originally Posted by irfubar
Originally Posted by hatari
Originally Posted by irfubar
The surgeon general stated last Sunday, this week was going to be horrific, like Pearl Harbor & 9-11 ...... oh my, that is scary. One small problem...... do you still believe?

STUNNING! IHME Reduces Their Model Predictions AGAIN! -- Now Say Peak Is ON EASTER and Only 60,000 Deaths ...Like a Typical Flu!
By Jim Hoft
Published April 8, 2020 at 10:19am
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Last TUESDAY Coronavirus Task Force Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx pushed the talking point that by completely locking down the US economy and American public, the US government and Coronavirus task force “experts” were able to cut the total coronavirus deaths in the United States from 1 to 2.2 million deaths down to 100,000 to 200,000 deaths.

That was a stunning update. They revised their numbers down by around 90%!
You’d think that would have made a few headlines?

This was based on “models” by her chosen scientific “experts” — Chris Murray and the IHME.

Here is the chart Dr. Birx discussed during the daily coronavirus press conference at the White House.

TRENDING: UPDATE: Dr. Birx Confirms Anyone Who Dies WITH Coronavirus, Regardless of Any Underlying Health Condition, is Being Counted as a COVID-19 Death (VIDEO)

It shows an estimated 2.2 million US deaths.
Again — this was at the press conference 6 days ago!

There is not a single country in the world today with over 18,000 total coronavirus deaths.

On Sunday night the IMHE cut their numbers in half.

Today the IMHE model used by the CDC and Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci estimate the total US coronavirus deaths to be 81,766 by August 4th.
And 81,000 by May 21st.

The actual numbers are already below their current models. — by a huge margin!

Dr. Andrew Bostom published the actual numbers to the projected numbers earlier on Tuesday.

The actual number of US deaths due to coronavirus on Monday was: 10,068 deaths.
The estimated IHME model number of deaths by Monday was: 12,539 (range of 11,256 – 14,281)

The IHME numbers are already off by 20%!

On Wednesday — 3 days later — the updated their predictions AGAIN!
The latest IHME predictions call for 60,000 deaths by August.

And the model predicts the peak will now be on EASTER and not on April 19th which was their previous prediction!

This is starting to look like a typical flu more and more by the day!

For the record, The Gateway Pundit predicted this:

I shouldn't bother to bring this up, and I realize that many of you understand these things, but here goes:

Isolation/shelter in place doesn't make the virus go away. It will still be "out there" when people leave home a month from now. People will still get the virus and become ill until a majority of the population develops antibodies either through exposure and recovery or a vaccine. Staying at home is not a permanent solution. It is a delaying tactic. It is designed to keep everybody from "getting it at the same time" and overwhelming the healthcare system. I remind you of this so you don't think by staying at home for 2-3 months the virus just up and disappears. (Unless it is unusually labile to warm weather). We can't make it go away by hiding indefinitely in our homes. It will be there when we come out.

The absurd death projections were based on worse case scenarios whereby the virus was maximally contagious, and the healthcare system completely failed. that wasn't realistic, and now they are backing off those projections. Andrew Cuomo is not going to need 40,000 respirators.

Let me add that this virus is very contagious, and is very serious. You don't want it! Especially if you are elderly, have diabetes, or are obese.

We will not know and understand the REAL numbers on this for perhaps a year or two AFTER this passes, and all the data comes in. Every number you hear forecasted now is conjecture.

We have evidence that every pneumonia death right now is counted as as COVID 19 victim even if it was never confirmed they had COVID 19. If that is so, our counts are not accurate and the data is skewed and will lead to other erroneous projections AND likely decisions made on faulty data.

In ten days, we will all have a better idea about who is right and who is wrong. To meet some of these projections, 45,000 people will die before April 20 in the US. There are about 400,000 case reported in the US (CDC numbers). That includes those who contracted the virus and recovered. We've been sheltered in place and or largely shut down for 2+ weeks to slow the transmission. To have 45,000 die in the next ten days out of less than 400,000 known cases is nonsense.

This website predicts the peak in deaths to come in 4 days (April 12) and top out at about 2,200 and decrease quickly from there. https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america

So I'm telling you shelter in place works to break up the transmission, but please know the virus won't be "gone" when you emerge from your cave. It will still be there. Just like the measles aren't "gone". A vaccine has made us safer, but the measles virus is still out there. We will have to deal with this new virus and it will run through us.

Post Script- I for one will be very interested in the information that comes out 1-2 years down the road about the true origin of this pathogen. Did it just jump suddenly from an animal to humans and take off like a rocket? Why have Chinese nationals been caught smuggling live viruses around the world?



Yes, I will be very interested in finding out more.

Hatari, as usual you are correct on all counts..... I am in the herd immunity camp with sensible precautions for the vulnerable

As am I but we have a whole bunch of Democratic Governors operating a different playbook. Get the vulnerable off the streets and keep them as safe as possible and the rest of get back to work. Without the economy humming we run the risk of financial ruin, civil unrest, etc. It’s not that hard.