Originally Posted by kwg020
Originally Posted by irfubar
In 40 yrs they have not developed a vaccine for aids, why do they believe this will be different? herd immunity has enabled man to survive for millennium.

But that doesn't serve a political agenda.....

The panic is media driven.

In 2009 we didn't have the panic over H1N1 ...... why?

Aids is passed by risky behavior. This is passed just by breathing if someone infected has been in the area 3 hours previous. I don't think we can return to "normal" by May 1st. I think this thing is going to be an issue for a whole year. Hopefully, there will be better research on stopping it or immunizing folks against it by September 1st so the kids can go back to school and America back to work.


You really think there will be jobs to go back too after a year?!! Jesus fuggin Christ! Shaking my fuggin head......