Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Boy, that escalated quickly.

Sad isn't it. Got friends who are Sissetonai-Wahpeton members. Nice people so long as you don't bring up Chippewa. Old enmity die hard.You have to understand the culture. Was talking with a nice lady in the supermarket line some years ago. The general discussion in the community was some payment to the tribe and we talked about it.

She agreed that it was a boon for the tribe. but she finished with, "If they are dumb enough to give it to us we're smart enough to take it." We shared a laugh.

Anyway the Cheyenne River chairman is feeling his oats and issued a statement. KELO scroll down if you careSo far it's all posturing. Will be interesting to see where it goes, this sort of thing usually runs out of steam quickly.

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh

Which explains a lot.