Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
I got in an argument with my brother in law about the Kiwi Bird.

New Zealands national symbol.

He maintained the bird was pretty useless and pathetic.

I maintained they were happy as hell before he got there and fugged everything up.

Gosh..why dont people just stop using heroin.......its just a choice afterall.....

I get it.

So lets carve a bit of ground out for the "kiwis" and say no power grid, no road infrastructure, no metal, no modern medical facilities, no U.S. citizenship, and no horses. They can chase the buffalo and antelope with pointy sticks and sharp rocks.
Any access to the aforementioned and they forfeit the protected status.


You can either tell New Zealand to go back to pre-european colonization and let kiwi birds do their thing, or you can carve out a preserve and keep them "as they were" for posterity. I don't liken people to critters. Though I know you just using an analogy. I just ran it to it's natural course.

...or we can refrain from judging until we have walked a mile in their moccasins...

I will say this tho... I know two former Rez residents who say it will never stop as long as the Government teat still flows....

..and the abuse of children oughtta be a capital crime no matter who you are mad

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744