If they had a work ethic they could make a fortune selling meth on the rez...
They do make a fortune selling meth on the rez,without a work ethic and that is the biggest problem not the meth ,which is a big proble
m. BUT THE TOTAL LACK OF A CONSISTANT WORK ETHIC PASSED ON FROM ONE GENETATION TO THE NEXT. A very low percentage of lakota on the res are interested in getting up every day, pulling there pants on 1 leg at a time and go to work to earn a living. The best and brightest of them leave,do not come back, they also move far enough away so their extended family can't come and load off them. That's a cultural problem they have,if one is doing good the family shows up to live off their largess. Putting them right back to poverty level. The IHS is(Indian health service) is a division of the PHS one of the 7 uniformed services of the US. Their management is also part of the problem. They create little subdivisions out in the middle of nowhere for them to live and tax dollars fund the whole deal ,when their car breaks down their screwed.Far away from the grocery store,doctors, schools, and everything else in modern life deamed essential. White people only get to enjoy rural living if they can afford to do it and so become fairly self sufficient at it but the government with our tax dollars sticks the natives out in the sticks who can't take care of themselves or are to lazy too. Then expect the rest of us to pay for them. I have lived in SD for 60 years I know what I am talking about,for the last 35 of those years I was involved in many projects for the IHS and the SDDOT on every reservation in SD and surrounding states.. Dealing with NA 's effectively is about impossible simply because they won't be responsible for themselves. CRS IS ON THE MONEY out here in western SD and Nighthawk sure has things pinned down in east river. The Indian today that is a problem (not all are) are a problem because they are subsidized by the gov't. They have to take responsibility for themselves, it's just that simple. I retired the other day so I don't have to worry about retribution from my ex employer. MB

" Cheapest velocity in the world comes from a long barrel and I sure do like them. MB "