That taking their land thing is just BS they put out for idiot whites. When I was small Dad explained it simply. Why do the Sioux, a Canadian tribe, hate the Chippewa? We fished Enemy Swim Lake which was named after a famous Sioux - Chippewa battle. Before the Sioux were in the Dakotas there were people who built burial mounds. What happened to them? Mounds were handy. Why bother making arrow heads when you could dig up a mound and get all you want.

"I just cant believe they wont just act like white folks........"

Flip it around. Going hunting and fishing whenever you want while the women took care of the work around camp doesn't sound so bad to me. Kind of a nice arrangement if you can get away with it.

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh

Which explains a lot.