Originally Posted by local_dirt
Originally Posted by Beaver10

I can’t disagree on the GW products line, never shot one, but the cost of their “Shooting Solution” is above most paygrades.

LR shooting, hunting, is a niche market, and those who know what they want and can wring out of a custom rig the same or better performance, aren’t buying a $10k-$14k rifle package.

I’m sorry to see any gun industry company go under, but, to the point, that possibly the owners have a history of financial problems, it’s probably best it happens now, when the major hit is being suffered by a huge bank, whom by the way, is no stranger to nefarious business dealings.


Beave, I'm with you on WF not being an innocent bystander. I can quote you chapter and verse on some of their doings here in FL circa 2008.

Now doubt...They’ve been sued by the Federal government and Class Action law suits. They are still paying out hundreds of millions in restitution, fines and penalties.

Shylock operators on the Board of Directors. Still printing money even after being financially nailed to the cross several times.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”