Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by FreeMe
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by FreeMe
What If the moon was made of cheese?

Zip ties are cheap and plentiful. What if we just dismiss all better solutions?

So, if I'm understanding you, their not having zip ties long enough for his ankles mean that it was murder??

What a trollish reply. Did I say that? No, I didn't - and your feeble attempt to read my mind is a bad look. You clearly do not understand me, and are not trying very hard.

"What ifs" are a stupid waste of time. That's what I'm saying.

Speaking of stupid....hobbling the police so they lack better options is stupid. That's not a remark on what was done - it's a remark on what could have been done better if they were allowed.

You're the one pulling the what-ifs, not me. Your what if is, what if he had long enough zip ties to tie his feet together. I'm suggesting that they may not have. I.e., I'm countering your what if. Do you have any evidence that they had such zip ties?

You need to catch up.

You are assuming I am offering some sort of argument about guilt. I am only commenting on what could be done differently. Your reply to that looks like a "what if" excuse for not doing it differently.

All this arguing about who's guilty and who's at fault is useless. A jury will sort it out. What needs to be discussed is what could be done better. It doesn't matter to the situation at hand (meaning, what is going on now) whether the officers performed according to training (although it obviously will in court). What matters is if anyone - ANYONE - can quit showing their ass and come up with better ways to do things. And better ways sometimes need to take appearances into account.

Lunatic fringe....we all know you're out there.