Originally Posted by jfruser
Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
So what's your idea Bowsinger? Call in Jeb Bush to save the day? To end globalism in this country, elect a globalist President. Maybe we can vote in some pansy-assed Libertarian.

I'm voting for Trump whether he loses or not and you can kiss my Confederate cock.

Nope, ¡Jeb! and his squatemalan wife are the punchline to a joke.

Thing is, Trump has never even used his words to defend his voters, let alone loosed the might of the US gov't on their behalf. Is anyone surprised that those who voted for him are not so enthusiastic the second time around after Trump let antifa beat up his supporters, drank the Kovid Kolaid and let our cities burn?

Vote for Trump, I probably will out of habit and lack of anyone better. But your vote will not save you. Faith in a faithless & lucky bull$#itter will not save you. There is no man on the horizon who will come to set things aright. America is gone, we now live in "Uh-merica" where the ruling class will not be happy until the last real American is chased down and beaten by the dusky hordes. Plan accordingly.

Here's the thing...I didn't and won't vote for Trump to "save me". If it comes down to a fight, either physically or legally, all I want from .gov is a level playing field. The commies won't beat Trump without massive voter fraud. If Trump has done one thing, it is bring out into the light of day what many of us have been talking about nearly our whole lives, and that is the crushing corruption of the Federal .gov as well as state governments and even locals. He has pulled the curtain back and shown us just how deeply infiltrated we are by the commies. We are not beaten, but we have to know our enemy and it is not JUST the Democrats. Many Republicans are in on this also. Many.