Originally Posted by IndyCA35
Trump needs to get a message out about "here's what I will do for YOU during my second term." And BTW, "YOU" includes people in cities, not just 60-year olds who live in rural Montana.

Instead he just holds pity parties about how the MSM is mean to him, how he didn't slide sown the stairs at West Point, etc. His rally in Tulsa was a complete waste of time. Nobody but his base (which includes me, BTW) was influenced, and his base is not enough to win.

Instead, Trump is running against Trump. Biden just sits in his basement and picks up support in the polls.

And if you think the polling companies haven't spent four years fixing whatever they got wrong in 2016, you're delusional.

I have a bad feeling about this. Maybe I'm wrong. I hope so.

And I suppose you think the kcufheadss rioting, looting, tagging, burning buildings, tearing down statues, taking over cities, and wanting to defund the police are gaining Biden support? You think any rational thinking hard working minority who goes to work everyday and is trying to support their family is okay with those things and the virus lockdowns by liberals? What crowd do you think is being won over by Biden saying he'd implement mandatory mask wearing nationwide? That's right, Biden's base.

Did you watch the second half of the Tulsa rally? You think with all of the chaos going on in the country that people couldn't use a laugh before Trump got down to business?