Trump could say Melanie is a man, he loves golden showers, and hasn’t paid a nickel in taxes for 10 years.

I wouldn’t GAF....Biden and some yet to be determined extreme, socialist veep who will try and ruin us, is the alternative.

Trump’s hilarious when he’s trolling hard on the Dems...They deserve it.

I still remember Obama saying ISIS is the JV team while radical Muslims were brutally murdering people in the sandbox with online nutjobs hitting American and European cities with terror while Obama is only calling for community with Muslims.

You think chaos is going off, right now?...Anyone who believes 8 years under the boot of a liberal, black, female president with an agenda to support everything minority at the expense of white people won’t be insane, isn’t paying attention to what’s happening right now.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”