Originally Posted by AlaskaCub
As far as I’m concerned if you live in one of these liberal infested communities run by liberals at the local and state level you are basically [bleep]. Going in to any of them to do anything will only lead to severe consequences by those govt officials against YOU! As a conservative you will be labeled and stereotyped as a racist, nazi, white supremacist, terrorist or whatever. These cities will need to collapse both civilly and economically before anything changes. You get what you vote for and cities like Seattle, New York, Chicago, Minneapolis , etc are unsaveable in the current direction they are heading. More people seeking civility as well as businesses are going to bail out and already are. What they’ll be left with is a low economic demographic sucking on the govt tit and no one to foot the bill. If you live in a conservative area and you think these whack jobs are coming to your neighborhood just out the word out, it won’t take much to run them out. They only mob up in large numbers where they know they are safe.

The only problem with that line of thinking is that it’s a multi pronged attack being waged with open borders. If they can’t take over your town they’ll take over your county, if they can’t do that it’s your state and if that doesn’t work they’ll take over enough of the country through the major cities and states to impose their will. All of this country is America under the same constitution and federal laws burying your head in the sand isn’t going to work.

Unfortunately states rights are dead. They killed those along time ago. No matter how conservative your town or state is they’re going to keep chipping away until they have permanent majorities in the House and Senate and as soon as they get a president in office they’ll enforce it on a federal level.

Last edited by TheLastLemming76; 07/01/20.