Originally Posted by HilhamHawk
In my experience, dogs raised by white people don't like blacks, and vice versa. I suspect it has to do with the difference in smell.

My black neighbor's dog does not like me and most dogs do. Whenever I would get close to the property line he would raise hell. I talked to him, fed him, and let him smell my hand through the fence. Eventually he started licking my hand through the fence. Finally he would raise up on the fence and let me pet him. I figured we were buds. One day I was petting him and my neighbor's daughter came over with her little yap yap dog......which bounded out into the yard......wait for it.....yapping. That got the big dog I was petting excited and he snapped at my hand.....kind of a close call. Haven't messed with him since.

I think the dog is the one who is the ahole in this situation! laugh

"Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants". --- William Penn