Originally Posted by HitnRun
Cleburne Claiborne; tomato potato, I did go to school and I thank God (even though no one believes in Him) that when I did go to school, teachers taught educationally worthwhile data and not new age philosophical crap learned from the academic bankrupt institutions that you are a part of.

If you're slick you can sneak stuff under the radar.... wink

I've given bonus points for all sorts of things, one year I gave 'em bonus points if they would bring me a 40lb bag of dried cow sh&t (for the school garden of course. smile ) Never did that again, these little 90lb girls were dragging 40lb bags of Black Cow down the hallways and I ended up with like 600lbs of the stuff. What amazed me is not a single parent complained grin

But then one year I offered kids bonus points if they could find and photograph local objects of historical interest, including the gravesite of Samuel Walker. Sam Walker of course was the guy who went to Sam Colt and had him build the legendary Walker Colt. Capt. Walker was lanced twice, once by a Comanche lance up by present day Sisterdale and fatally in Mexico during that war, brung back to San Antonio for burial.

One hundred seventy years ago the Oddfellows Cemetery about a mile uphill from the Alamo off of Cherry Street was a respectable place, in more recent times Cherry Street was a notorious area of drugs, gangs, murder and prostitution. These two guys actually went in there looking after dark eek

[Linked Image from live.staticflickr.com]

Point of interest, some of the charred remains of the Alamo Defenders were dug up from Downtown in the 1850's and reburied next to that stone.

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744