Originally Posted by Birdwatcher

I've given bonus points for all sorts of things, one year I gave 'em bonus points if they would bring me a 40lb bag of dried cow sh&t (for the school garden of course. smile ) Never did that again, these little 90lb girls were dragging 40lb bags of Black Cow down the hallways and I ended up with like 600lbs of the stuff. What amazed me is not a single parent complained grin

If you can’t see a problem with the educational system and you do things like that to teach kids something everyone of the older generations knew without taking BS to school, you are still a part of the problem. If you are contributing to their knowledge base because they are uneducated, you still have to admit the system has deteriorated immensely, even if you aren’t part of the problem.

I will allow you the grounds for competence as an educator if you do teach valuable lessons, but if you don’t see the void in modern education from grade school to the university system, you are an unworthy educator.

Originally Posted by RJY66

I was thinking the other day how much I used to hate Bill Clinton. He was freaking George Washington compared to what they are now.