It was scary dropping the first cash on the bitcoin. I got in at a good time and it went to $20 K and then started dropping. It went down like $5K one week and a guy was laughing at as I had lost $5K. I told him I was still UP $15K.
EL.... You saying .0008. My guy got me into a coin like that one and a couple of weeks announced that one of our coins had gone up 1000%. Some investors asked where and my guy said it was the .000 one. 1000% doesn't move the needle very far.
YUP very volatile. But it has been pronounced dead a few hundred times now and every time it comes back even higher.. I think it will keep that up for a while yet, but there should be a very big jump coming. Ya, if I would have sold it @ $20 and then bought back in at $3K maybe I could live in Florida too, ha ! The crypto stuff got me retired 2 years early. Ray