Originally Posted by erikj
Originally Posted by Stickfight
Originally Posted by Hastings
Peter Schiff is a gold bull I follow.

Peter (((Schiff))) is a gold salesman trying to convince goyim to pump his own holdings. He doesn’t need to say he was wrong about bitcoin because chart shows he gloated right at the bottom in March, and it is up about 400% since then. (((Schiff))) gold is up 20%.
I would like to believe he is seething over missing that money getting opportunity, but he was probably just exercising his ethnic disposition to lie, and was actually longing BTC.

I’m tracking stick. Hastings, my understanding is bitcoin is capped at 21 million.
I am trying to understand how crypto currency has value, but it escapes me. It seems at some point trade in crypto could be outlawed just as gold was in 1933. The central banks have a huge interest in not allowing an alternative to their notes as legal tender. If it were legal to require gold or silver in payment no one would accept a Federal Reserve Note. Another thing I am trying to figure out is how Soros attacked the British Pound and reaped a fortune. I have to wonder if his moves to politically destabilize the U.S. is just part of a scheme to wreck the dollar to his benefit. You can bet big money that he is not driven by his desire to help the downtrodden of this country. Anyway I have got a little invested in crypto using the RIOT stock symbol and BLOK.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."