Originally Posted by RockyRaab
You do not keep the salt water in which you boiled the tongue. It's been over 60 years, so the details are a mite hazy. I do remember that after Mom boiled it and let it cool enough to handle, she removed the outer skin, leaving just the smooth inner muscle. Then sliced it maybe a quarter inch thick, on an angle to get the widest slices. We usually ate it as sandwich meat with a smear of mustard.

I'm looking forward to giving that a try.
Our mom's knew how to make real good food that the school lunch kids would never touch. They don't know what they're missing.

My Dr is one of the few that studied nutrition, history, demographics, and how it relates to health challenges.
She is also my teacher.
She found that poor Southerners would eat the whole animal, hocks, ears, brain, etc. This was the key to the outstanding health that they had over the wealthy.
She recommends certain foods to her patients instead of drugs or surgeries. Her results speak for themselves.