Originally Posted by MadMooner
Originally Posted by jackmountain
Originally Posted by gunner500
I kill it and bring it home, or raise it right here under my ever watchful eye, GTG! fugg the stores and the trash they push across the meat/deli counter.

Same here. We buy chicken but pork and beef is home raised. Couple three deer a year to round it out.

Canned, stored or froze peppers, onions, squash, zucchini, sweet corn, tomatoes, potatoes, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. Two freezers full.

Maybe paranoid, but I don't trust what's in the food we buy at the store. Don't trust what's in the medicine we take either.

I started raising my own beef a few years ago. Love it. If you’ve the room and a way to feed them, I can’t imagine not doing it.

Damn right Men, same/same here on the garden/canning deal, if for no other reason than some sawed off chalupa shltting in the produce fields because he hates us, I don't hate him, and it's not my fault the little greaser wasn't born in this country, shooting wild game or cleanly raising one's own beef is a very good thing, I know asswhole cow farmers that steroid/hormone their cattle in the name of profit, plus, processors irradiating and pumping the meats full of salt water for more profit! crazy

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