We're about done here. Canned a bunch of green beans, tomato juice, dill and sweet pickles, green peas, some relish, and wife will make a recipe of red pepper relish if we ever get any red bell peppers. We freeze the corn, purple hull peas, green peas, butter peas (like a butter bean), and okra. We also can beet pickles every other year, canning enough to last 2 years, and a canning or two of pork tenderloin a year. Used to can a lot of jelly and jam.................cherry, strawberry, and blackberry. But, as I've gotten older, I don't care for that kind of stuff as much. I still have pinto beans growing, and will let them dry on the vine, shell them, and put in the freezer to be cooked whenever we want them. Been a busy year putting stuff up.