This is exactly what I have written about many times. Being a bully and doing harm and depriving someone of rights over a "non-crime" and then when it's pointed out, the cops and ex-cops often say "well we just have to obey orders or loose our jobs"!
And then you ask ..............or even demand respect for.............what exactly? What you do not do is what you swore you would do. Arrest those committing open treason right in front of your face.

When "defund the cops" get some coverage, all the conservatives who don't do their own thinking say it's a bad thing. Well--- I do too---, but not for the same reason. I am of the opinion that ALL cops should have to be graduated from at least a 2 year school in the US Constitution, it's history and it's correct meaning and applications. So that would take extra funding not less. Then after they are schooled they need to UPHOLD THE OATH. If they don't and get convicted of such overreach, it would be good if every one of them was requited to pay 3X the price in money, freedom, assets possessions and all other substance that would have been required from their victims for violation of their oath. No more "free time" to help destroy your own nation's freedom and say "it was my job". Battery with a weapon, criminal restraint and kidnapping would be charged against anyone committing that same set of felonies but because he has a uniform and a badge it's somehow OK? The servant sees himself as a master?

What we need is GOOD cops, not the kind we see here. That is both a cop and a criminal,(like MANY OF THEM) but his crimes will probably not result in him facing 10-30 years in prison even though there is no law that the girl broke and she was battered, kidnapped and shackled for a non-crime. The double standard was address in the Constitution under the prohibition of titles of nobility. So today the words for the titles are changed, but the double standard that existed for those in government (called "nobles back in the 1700s) is 100% in use today. But the titles of Officer, Senior, Congressman, Judge or "Justice" and many others are still titles, It was not the tradition of "nobility" or the wording of any particular titles that was (and is) the issue. It was the set of double standards that came with such titles that cause it to be prohibited by the writers of the Constitution.

However today even the "good cops" tell everyone that they can't do anything or they would "loose their job". They use that as an excuse to NOT DO the job they SWORE to do. So in other words, your freedoms, your future, your kids future and all other liberties are of less importance to them (even the "good ones") then their money is.

So if I am wrong, please take a few minutes to say so and say why. Point by point. Tell me that money is NOT more important to you then the liberties of your own kids and mine.

Then show me how that can be true if you are not active in openly resisting it ,with AT LEAST as much courage as that young girl showed. Show us all how she is not "more of a man" then you are.

We'll wait.

Last edited by szihn; 09/23/20.