The officer wasn't there out his own accord. Someone in authority called and asked for him to be sent. Had that person used some of the gray matter they might have realized no harm was done and left it all alone. I'd say the purple shirt guy is very zealous about his job and making sure the mask are worn is top priority. I wonder if he'd turn in a fellow staff member for inappropriate behavior with a student?

He's the kind that will comply with our rights being taken. I ran across this the other day outside our post office, small town of less than 700. I was opening the door and here came a woman wearing a mask with an armload of boxes. I know her and didn't give a second thought to holding the door fer her, I even turned my back to her while doing so as she exited. Did I ever get ripped. Where is your mask! I don't want to die! On and on. Several people saw it and marveled at her words, to say the least. She's on her own with doors from now on.

I told my wife about it all and also that she was the type that if she thought there was the least bit of something in it for her, whether real or perceived, she'd sell me out in a heart beat. We'll see the same with gun control. People like this make me sick. What ever happened to live and let live?