99% of ALL cops are .........well...........cops.

They say "I'll get fired if I don't obey the evil orders". They choose not to engage their conscience at the point it attaches to their brain.

The 1% that do often do get fired, but then fail to sue over wrongful termination, which being told to directly violate their oath of office IS 10000000000000000% wrongful.

But it's a lot easier to be one of the "team" and not show any integrity or courage.
Just follow orders.
Just go along.
It's easy.
it's safe.

It the death of the freedoms of the nation and their OWN kids. But hey,,,,,,,,,,,not a big deal to them.


You see, they are their own worst enemies but are too proud to listen to any truth, and too unintelligent to put 2 and 2 together. It's just "so wrong" to hate them, distrust them, and to want to see them defunded, and to want them to be harmed.

But it's even worse in their minds to DEMAND THEY UPHOLD THEIR OATH and arrest those giving them the order to commit treason and malfeasance against the Constitution they are sworn to uphold and defend.

They are like suicide bombers who work for someone who hates both them and those they are ordered to blow up, but they are too willfully ignorant to see the truth that their own bosses will worth to see them destroyed too.
To say they are a little bit stupid seems like an insult instead of a simple fact, but if someone here can suggest a more tactful word, which means the same thing as stupid, please help me out here.

I am sure many will hate me for writing this but I do notice that 100% of them so far have fallen back on lines that are exactly what I just quoted them to say, -----------instead of seeing the truth and saying to me, you and the whole USA "yeah, we were wrong to obey those orders, so starting RIGHT NOW I am going to repent of that mindless obedience to unlawful politicians and I WILL NOT carry out those orders any more, and I WILL arrest anyone trying to give them, for crimes of Malfeasance, and operation under color of law, breach of oath, sedition and anything else that applies as per my oath and if need be I will be the national example of what a Cop is SUPPOSED TO BE!!!!!!!

There was a time in out history when cops were highly respected and admired. YOU Mr. Cop----- reading this,--- can be the one man that starts a trend and makes national news by simply doing what you swore to do and if you do that I would bet you will find you are not left to starve .. Remember private New, who defied the orders to be a UN thug? he didn't have his future ruined. In fact he had several very profitable thousand job offers for BEING A MAN and showing some guts. maybe you should try to think and see that I am right in a legal, moral ethical and factual way and stop ebing a tool for evil people. And don't fall back on the quote "I am only one man". EVERY MAN IN ALL HISTORY WAS ONLY ONE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or maybe you can simply hate me more like all libs do when they are told the truth. that's the usual plan.
You may say you are not a commie lib-tard, but doing their bidding makes you even less then them. Let that sink in for a few minutes if you are capable.

You want to get some public respect back for the profession? How about starting to earn it instead of just trying to earn a pension and a paycheck.

Start by actually THINKING, and re-reading the Bill of Rights and then re-read your Oath.