The school board gives authority to the admin who hire thugs like fatboy to push people around if their edicts aren't followed. Somebody has a mask rule. If you don't follow the rules, one of which is mask up, then you can be deemed a trespasser and told to leave or they'll make you leave and probably charge you. Usually cops are hired for security if they aren't already being supplied by the county or locality. So if you resist, you can be prosecuted for more than resisting a mall cop. Here's the thing...she had a condition that precluded her from wearing a mask and yet the cop persisted. The board policy may have made no note of conditions like asthma, but they're supposedly following the state mandate. All of this can be attacked legally. The cop should have known that there were caveats to the mandate. Probably if he's a real cop, she'll get charged with resisting anyway. In a country that was truly free, it wouldn't be the case. Ultimately, the school district is at fault for not following the state mandate correctly and/or you could say, hiring people who aren't intelligent enough to follow it or listen to somebody when they tell them something which is correct, legally OR call somebody who does know before getting physical. This assumes whoever said she was asthmatic is right and that she told them she was. I couldn't hear it well enough to know. I don't know if there will be any leeway with the resisting stuff if they were just rent-a-cops or if they're the same as off duty deputies or suchlike in the eyes of the law.